Friday, June 12, 2009

Rebutal to 潘国驹 - How Singapore can build 25 global brands






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I found this article, How Singapore can build 25 global brands, very interesting read it if you are very curious. Here is some of my view on some of his thoughts.
具备很高英文水平的人材,这一点很重要,在全球化的大环境下,英文的掌握和操作,占据了很有利的条件 (Singapore no doubt has great command of written English but the spoken English is one of the worst in the world has English as their 1st language. I can’t stress enough Singaporeans sound very much like retards in all spoken language. Strange enough when you try to speak good English at school in Singapore or among your peers, you will be branded “unsingaporean”. The campaign for speaking good languages has utterly failed due to the lack of concern from Ministry of Education. If I were the minister, I would have force teachers, under 50 years old, in Singapore to go for mandatory language lesson, and brain wash them regarding the fallacy of Singlish being a Singapore pride.

教育制度相当健全,在培育人材方面具有优势 (I think when we talk about good education system, it’s very subjective).
• In Singapore getting just a good grade is the key to success in one’s education, ignoring the set of personal, social, sometimes professional skills.
• Students in Singapore were trained to memorize answer in a standard way, much like how a robot is not suppose to think by to just obey what is been told.
• The choices of subjects are very limited.

• for this I have one examples to quote; Creative. How many people outside Singapore actually know that Creative Technology or Creative Labs, Inc. is a Singapore company?
• We all know what happened to the support or the lack thereof from EDB that drove Mr. Sim to seek the silicon valley for help.

• At this point, I would like to ask if the author of this article has any Korean or Japanese friends? If he has, then I would like to know if he has step foot into their homes?
• Well, I have, and I have noticed that they only use product that are produced by their individuals’ countries. Almost all my Korean and Japanese friends will take the trouble to locate stores or stalls that exclusively products of their country brands when they live outside their own country despite the premium they have to pay.
• I find that Singaporeans tends to question their own products and ideas, hence, to convince the EDB and corporate that an unraveled supreme new product is being introduce in front of them for funding is like pulling teeth.

• Again, I was wondering if SIA is part of Temasek? If the answer is yes, the author has just lost his credibility.
• Creative will be an international brand quicker if it’s owned by Temasek Holdings.

• This is a good quote but you have to use it and suggest to people that this quote works only when you have a freer system. You think that China is more conservative and less liberal then Singapore? Let me tell you, you are dead wrong.
• I work in as a Exec. Producer, writer, show host in China and we can get away with more topic then Singapore MDA.
I would like the author to live in some different countries before the express his point of view to us. This author is disingenuous and misleading, the entire article sounds for like a propaganda piece then and objective article.